How to Use alternative minimum tax in a Sentence

alternative minimum tax

  • The plan would also repeal the estate tax, the gift tax, the net-investment income tax, and the alternative minimum tax.
    Dominic Pino, National Review, 2 Mar. 2023
  • That is because of the alternative minimum tax, which is designed to create a base tax rate for all earners.
    Tanza Loudenback,, 9 Nov. 2023
  • Don’t forget to consider the effects of the alternative minimum tax when planning how much to give.
    Bob Carlson, Forbes, 26 June 2021
  • Eliminate the state’s alternative minimum tax, which is valued at $8.5 million over the next two years.
    Patrick Marley, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 6 Sep. 2017
  • The bill also reduces the number of people who will have to calculate their taxes twice, by limiting the reach of the alternative minimum tax.
    The Editors, National Review, 18 Dec. 2017
  • The proposal would cut individual and corporate tax rates, and repeal the alternative minimum tax and the estate tax, both of which would be a boon for the wealthy.
    Zachary Mider,, 27 Sep. 2017
  • That list will shrink, however, when the new U.S. corporate alternative minimum tax passed by Congress last year kicks in, and when offshore tax havens raise their rates.
    Julie Zauzmer Weil, Washington Post, 5 July 2023
  • Both plans would repeal the estate tax, the alternative minimum tax, and the tax on investment income imposed by Obamacare.
    Alex Raskolnikov, Foreign Affairs, 24 May 2017
  • The alternative minimum tax also goes up for this filing.
    Philip Bump, Washington Post, 22 Dec. 2017
  • The plan would also increase the standard deduction, increase the child tax credit and repeal the alternative minimum tax.
    Ryan Struyk, CNN, 18 Oct. 2017
  • The alternative minimum tax, or AMT, establishes a base tax rate for all earners.
    Tanza Loudenback,, 9 Nov. 2023
  • Abolish the alternative minimum tax, which is designed to ensure that the most wealthy taxpayers pay a minimum tax.
    Eugene Kiely, USA TODAY, 14 Sep. 2017
  • The 15% corporate book tax is a new alternative minimum tax that will hit more companies over time as it isn’t indexed for inflation.
    The Editorial Board, WSJ, 8 Aug. 2022
  • Pressed for cash, McConnell & Co. decided to keep the corporate alternative minimum tax rather than repeal it as planned.
    Bess Levin, The Hive, 4 Dec. 2017
  • Some of its provisions most likely gave him an advantage at tax time — including the scaling back of the alternative minimum tax on high earners.
    Jim Tankersley,, 31 Dec. 2022
  • Her lower federal tax for 2018 resulted from the changes in the new tax law because more of her income was taxed at lower tax rates and the alternative minimum tax was eliminated.
    Ray Martin, CBS News, 28 June 2019
  • Among other changes, the Democrats would restore the estate tax exemption at $11 million for couples, rather than double that, as became law under the GOP bill, and revive the alternative minimum tax.
    Washington Post, 7 Mar. 2018
  • Finally, there are changes in the alternative minimum tax (AMT) and estate tax exemptions.
    Jj Kinahan, Forbes, 27 Oct. 2021
  • Also on the table is the alternative minimum tax, or AMT, which is a tax individuals have to pay if their income exceeds certain thresholds.
    Michelle Fox, CNBC, 18 Sep. 2024
  • But the same family could benefit from the elimination of the alternative minimum tax.
    Teresa Dixon Murray,, 4 Nov. 2017
  • According to Bloomberg, the plan calls for ending the tax on estates valued at over $5.49 million, and the alternative minimum tax, which puts a cap on how much a well-off household can reduce its tax burden by piling up deductions.
    Eric Levitz, Daily Intelligencer, 27 Sep. 2017
  • And Republicans want to repeal the alternative minimum tax, which hits high-net worth individuals, and the estate tax, which affects wealthy scions.
    David Dayen, New Republic, 31 Oct. 2017
  • But all these possibilities have to be weighed against the fate of other provisions of the TCJA, which might reshape the deduction anyway (including the return of stricter rules for the alternative minimum tax).
    Joseph Thorndike, Forbes, 4 Nov. 2024
  • Many higher-income households already have their state and local tax breaks curtailed under the alternative minimum tax.
    Siobhan Hughes, WSJ, 28 Sep. 2017
  • Upper-middle-income taxpayers who did itemize lost much of the benefit to the alternative minimum tax, from which SALT isn’t deducted.
    Tomas J. Philipson, WSJ, 27 Apr. 2021
  • Estimated tax is used to pay income tax plus self-employment tax and alternative minimum tax.
    Medora Lee, USA TODAY, 6 June 2023
  • The impact on the highest wage-earners, like President Trump, seems clear, with the elimination of the alternative minimum tax, the estate tax and the lowering of the top tax rate providing substantial benefit.
    Zeke J Miller, Time, 28 Sep. 2017
  • If the alternative minimum tax is eliminated, that will also help top-tier income households.
    Roger Showley,, 8 Dec. 2017
  • Provisions such as the alternative minimum tax and the estate tax, a tax on inherited wealth which Trump has derided over the years, would be gone under the Republican proposal.
    Author: Alan Rappeport, Alaska Dispatch News, 27 Sep. 2017
  • The alternative minimum tax also only applied initially to the richest Americans, but with time expanded to hit millions in the middle class.
    The Editorial Board, WSJ, 25 Oct. 2021

Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'alternative minimum tax.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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